Our Purpose

Protect your hair.
Protect their habitat.

A fable lasts forever.
And so should our wild big cats.

Our community of doers, dreamers and big cat lovers is committed to protecting these species: through our actions today, we will leave their world more beautiful, wild, and free.

The Fable Fund

Current Kz102,800

Goal Kz1,000,000

Live & Let Live

Prioritizing the Wild in Philanthropy.

Our founders believe in Ahimsa, the principle of non violence towards all sentient beings that deserve to live on our planet, so in 2019 they set out to create the Fable Fund Trust to raise awareness and support local conservation initiatives to reduce human wildlife conflict and restore the habitat of wild tigers.

Our contributions


Donated to wildlife big cat
protection charities

Donated to wildlife big cat
protection charities


Communities in which we
provided education, employment and training to
support our big cat mission

Communities in which we provided
education, employment and training to
support our big cat mission

School on a bus

We bought a school on a bus to teach
children about human conflict and
living in harmony with the forest.

We bought a school on a bus to teach children about human conflict and living in harmony with the forest.

Big Cats Need Our Help

Wild Cheetahs need help


Cheetahs are the world’s most endangered and vulnerable big cat with only 7,100 left in the wild

Tigers need our help


Tigers exploited and abused in the US for entertainment and captivity

Losing our stripes


The tiger population has gone from 100,000 100 years ago to 4,000 today